20 worst things to say to someone with anxiety

All Rights Reserved. We seriously don't wake up wanting to stress and worry and overall exhaust ourselves with everything around and inside of us.". Unfortunately I cant share how Im feeling with my family and that can sometimes make situations with them difficult. It can be emotionally taxing and mentally demanding on both ends. Designed and developed by Awesome Website Themes, SAD Social Anxiety Disorder (Social Phobia), 15 Things You Should Never Say to Someone Who Suffers From Anxiety, affecting 40 million adults age 18 and older, twice as likely to develop drug and alcohol addiction problems, Your Anxiety Isnt an Excuse to be an Asshole, doctors still arent quite sure what causes anxiety, 5 Easy Yet Effective Ways to Calm Yourself Down When Youre Feeling Anxious. Heres why: Anxiety is an outcome of myriad triggers, internal and external. Even now (17 years later) it still makes me want to seriously hurt myself. T.B. Theyre overly aware of everything going on around them every noise, action, smell, light, person, object. Somewhere along the way, people got it in their heads that anxiety disorders are all a matter of being a wimp, a baby, or just plain weak. But people with anxiety disorders cant control their responses to fear and tough love just doesnt work. No matter what anyone says, your feelings are valid, and you deserve support. This means they happen outside of conscious awareness. You have no reason to be upset. This is a big one for me because the smallest things that happen to me can cause a panic attack. If you love someone with anxiety, please be patient with them. This is seriously one of the most detrimental things you can say to someone with anxiety. Having a few drinks can certainly be a relaxing experience, which is why many people assume that if someone with an anxiety disorder has a couple drinks, theyll finally be able to let go of their worries. I think youre just looking for reasons to be upset.. People with anxiety disorders experience worry, guilt, shame, and panic in situations that dont typically cause such intense feelings in others. "Just come to a party/somewhere with us". Most of the time, however, panic and anxiety attacks often show up for no rhyme or reason which means trying to find out the source only serves to add more distress during an attack. In her ridiculous tirade, she bemoans how todays society glamorizes anxiety and what she refers to as Introvert Culture never mind the fact that introversion is a personality type that has nothing to do with mental illness. Worst things to say to someone with anxiety. Functional cookies help to perform certain functionalities like sharing the content of the website on social media platforms, collect feedbacks, and other third-party features. Its not hard to change your mindset. That threw me into complete isolation of myself. "Stop Making a Big Fuss About It" This reply screams frustration right off the bat. I mean, that is breathing, right? 'You're so negative'. While its not rational, this can make people feel like they will be rejected by everyone at the function, no one will like them, everyone is staring at them, judging them, etc. We should remember we all have the right to feel how we feel. Albane L. Other people have it worst than you. Just because I can do certain things and function a bit more than others with anxiety doesnt mean Im not struggling. Kayla D. You shouldnt rely on medication. Listen and be there for your loved one during an attack, Remind yourself that you dont need to speak or say anything, Avoid trying to reason out and rationalize the cause of your loved ones anxiety attack, Avoid offering advice in the middle of an attack, Offer respect and sympathy, even if you are unable to empathize, Remember that most anxiety sufferers are already intimately familiar with what is and arent helpful for them, Ask your loved ones during calm and quiet moments about their techniques and methods, Learn to ask them about what they need first, Remember that different people have different limits when it comes to handling issues and circumstances, Understand that saying such a statement invalidates your loved ones feelings, and can be hurtful, Anxiety often ends up crippling the sufferer, to the debilitating degree, Trying to share your experiences with anxiety during your loved ones panic attack will often make things worse, Dont try to make it into a competition by comparing your experiences with anxiety with your loved ones experiences, Avoid minimizing or downplaying their distress, Remind them that the anxiety will eventually pass, Understand that these behaviors will not necessarily make sense to you, Try not to make your loved one feel ostracized, Do your best to be supportive and understanding, It implies that the sufferer is somehow choosing to have an anxiety attack and disorder, It ignores the reality of how crippling an attack can be, Racing thoughts and worries cropping up are part and parcel of the illness, If your loved one can stop or avoid such thoughts, they would, Theyll often develop anxious behaviors as a result of the disorder, It ignores the fact that men can also develop anxiety, It implies that their anxiety is caused by their immaturity, It deprives them of the support and cares that they need, Anxiety distorts the thinking patterns of its victims and by extension their reality, Thoughts and worries induced by the disorder can be incredibly overwhelming to your loved ones, Its best to discuss with your loved one in advance over how they would like to be calmed down. Would Ms. Fagan shame a friend for canceling plans because they have the flu? I remove myself from people. It could be worse. This was said by an old friend to whom I was saying I was struggling with depression after my fathers death few month before I had the right to feel bad. "Calm down." Telling someone to "calm down" has never, ever made it happen. Though, platitudes like this are meant to be supportive, someone in the throes of anxiety isnt likely to react to the comforting words the way you might hope. It does not store any personal data. This is not something they can control, and often brings them an incredible amount of stress. Theyre not bad people, they just dont understand mental illness. Lauren M. 13. In fact, Generalized Anxiety Disorder is exactly this, excessive worry that can happen without an immediate cause or trigger. Instead, bear these things in mind when interacting with a loved one who has anxiety: From the outside, it may seem like this is simply a truthful observation. This really sucks. These cookies help provide information on metrics the number of visitors, bounce rate, traffic source, etc. All it will really do is evoke guilt, as your loved one will hear, Youre ungrateful and thats why you feel this way.. I didnt realize humans could do that. Instead, try the following advice: This advice isnt necessarily a bad idea in and of itself, especially if you know that the person already uses breathing techniques to control their anxiety routinely. In this article, Laura Fleetwood shares 6 things to avoid saying to someone with anxiety, and 6 alternative responses to help your loved one with anxiety feel cared for. 4 - "Just be positive" To calm down. Let me make this perfectly plain: being diagnosed with a mental illness is not trendy. If you can, show them resources for therapy, counseling, or similar options that they can make use of! It will cause more anxiety, generate feelings of shame for being unable to control their disorder, and if you push too hard, potentially lead to a panic attack. B: Right, but why? We seriously dont wake up, Someone very close to me has said, Can you just stop thinking that way? I would relax if I could. Either ease us slowly into it or let us do it by ourselves when we're ready. She proclaims that people with anxiety disorders use their condition as an excuse to get out of personal and social responsibilities when nothing could be further from the truth. What you are probably trying to say is that you are impressed by their strength, resilience, and the way they are handling obstacles. Who are you to say that I have nothing to worry about? Instead, here are some things you should do instead: Only by not being them, it may be impossible ever to understand why your loved one feels the way they do. While most people deal with periods of nervousness or anxiousness in their lives, its nothing remotely comparable to what those with anxiety disorder go through on a daily basis. Its simply a false comparison, and by bringing it up, you may be accidentally trivializing someones struggle. Please try again. This website uses cookies to improve your experience while you navigate through the website. But please let me know if you are still feeling anxious and we can find someone to help you.. Try asking, Is there something, in particular, that is making you anxious? Turning it into being about everyone else doesnt help and just makes me feel like I am not valid. Lexie B. If not, thats ok., What You Need To Know About Panic Disorder, Dont Tell Me To Relax: One Teens Journey to Survive Anxiety, The 10 Worst Things Adults Can Say to Teenagers. I make it so I am not only bothersome to others. Helping Person A focus on what is within their control and tuning into safety in the environment can help calm the underlying threat. Made possible byUJA-Federationof New YorkandThe Jewish Board. (Becky used to get panic attacks, and once she started exercising again, her anxiety totally went away.) Read on for some more phrases to avoid, no matter what. Whatever it is that theyre worrying about is clearly important to them, and in that moment, it feels like the biggest, scariest, worst thing that could happen. While its certainly true that all thoughts and fears all originate in our heads, it does not make those feelings any less real. 10 Methods for Dealing with a Panic Attack, Hodophobia: What It Is and How to Treat It, 5 Easiest Ways to Improve Your Mental Health According to Research, 8 Tips for Creating New and Positive Mental Health Habits, Why Exercise May Disrupt Sleep and Cause Anxiety, Self-Care for Anxiety and Panic Disorders. Calling them out on it, however, doesnt help anyone. in my veins, so in this moment, I cant breathe and am not fine. Jess F. Still doesnt help my issue though. Chill out. Youre lucky in comparison to others. April 20, 2022 Anya Surnitsky. The thought of a bucket list can be daunting because its a list of things you want to do before you die. If there is a simple explanation of an anxiety trigger- like a loud annoying emergency test on the radio, the person will turn it off. But in practice, most people want to be seen and heard, not offered solutions. Ask, Can you describe how you are feeling? Or Can you show me where you are feeling the most tension? This question is more supportive, but more importantly, it is grounding. The good times and get-togethers you enjoy can be completely paralyzing for someone with anxiety. The only way this statement will be helpful is if you have an anxiety disorder only then can you truly relate. When someone tells me to relax, I immediately become quite frustrated. Your subscription could not be saved. This was so helpful to read. Here are a few reasons why: If youre trying to help someone with anxiety, you shouldnt be saying the aforementioned 20 things. Privacy I work with and talk to so many people who experience anxiety. Its incredibly overwhelming and overstimulating. The WORST thing you can say to someone who is experiencing anxiety. I remove myself from people. Here are 15 things that you should never say to someone who is struggling with an anxiety disorder. I felt the white-hot rush of adrenaline and cortisol, the dizzying nausea. It makes us uncomfortable and can give us a full panic attack at any time. The cookie is set by GDPR cookie consent to record the user consent for the cookies in the category "Functional". Be curious about the experience of anxiety, not the cause. Telling me that I have nothing to worry about discounts my feelings, and is not supportive. Dont look toward the future when I am struggling in this current moment. All trademarks and service marks are the property of their respective owners. When I am anxious and someone tells me to breathe, I start hyperventilating. Its just a challenge for us to overcome by ourselves. Bearing that in mind, here are ten things not to say to someone who has anxiety. But you dont deserve close friends, because no one deserves that. I get the intent behind it but its not helping. Chelsey C. Just breathe, youre fine There is an elephant on my chest and fire in my veins, so in this moment, I cant breathe and am not fine. Jess F. If you or someone you know needs help, visit oursuicideprevention resourcespage. If you live with anxiety, you might be familiar with some of the seemingly harmless but incredibly hurtfulthings people often say to those struggling with it. With some of the stigma surrounding mental illness starting to fade, more and more people are discussing their struggles with this debilitating condition. As someone with not one, but four different anxiety disorders, it is important that I have a really strong support system. The truth is, if it were as easy as saying thats irrational, so theres no need to worry about it, the majority of people with anxiety disorders would be cured. Read more about Power of Positivity Loneliness is a gut-wrenching problem at any age and can affect your heart and brain health. Telling someone with anxiety that their condition is all in their head does not result in anything even remotely positive. People with anxiety disorders cant control their responses to fear. Its not tragically beautiful, romantic, fanciful or glamorous. What to do instead: Model calm. They often exist in a hyper-alert state, which means that a situation that doesnt seem that overwhelming to others can cause their head to spin. Oops! Ask if they want to take some deep breaths with you. . Maybe youve been staying up late stressing about yesterdays test. Just breathe. Thanks. Shifting ones breathing pattern can be incredibly tricky, especially when your mind is already struggling to stay grounded. Its not hard to change your mindset. That threw me into complete isolation of myself. Ceaseless feelings of fear and uncertainty take control, making life with an anxiety disorder incredibly difficult. In actuality, turning to alcohol confers no positive benefits even if you think its helping, it can turn into a dependency problem in the long run. So, I created a list of the 10 worst things to say to someone with anxiety and included some helpful alternatives as well. Here are a few things to keep in mind when youre trying to offer suggestions: Just about every anxiety sufferer knows their worries are irrational and blown out of proportion. Its a lot of work. Theyre not bad people, they just dont understand mental illness. Lauren M. You need some work therapy, before directing me outside to clean the yard. At the end of the day, it is a disorder and a mental illness that cannot be magically cured. Other uncategorized cookies are those that are being analyzed and have not been classified into a category as yet. (Have you tried meditating?) People with anxiety disorders already deal with far more than their fair share of guilt and shame, and adding to that guilt only leads to more anxiety. When someone's feeling anxious, you might want to encourage them to "get over it." But pause and think about why that . I am constantly told Im overreacting to damn near everything. Sadly, well-intentioned statements can have the opposite effect, so you have to be careful with how you choose to soothe anxious individuals. Chill out. What just happened to make you feel that way? She ended our conversation and friendship with a link to the Thought Catalog article Your Anxiety Isnt an Excuse to be an Asshole, written by Chelsea Fagan. Here's my list of 40 worst things to say to someone with depression "Pull yourself together" "What do you have to be depressed about?" "It could be worse" "It's all in your head" "There was no such thing as depression back in my day" "There are people far worse off than you" "Tough luck, life isn't fair" "Just get on with it" "Cheer up" Laughter is great medicine. It increases the horrible feelings of guilt, shame, fear and self-loathing. Instead, try saying, "I can see how hard this is for you." Validating their feelings is much more supportive and helps them feel . Worries are far more intense, interfering with a persons ability to perform daily life chores, and incredibly difficult to manage without help. It creates an unhealthy comparison with ones experiences. "Just get over it". Give it to God, then you can stop worrying about it. MaryJane G. Everybody feels like that.Sounds innocent enough, but if I am disclosing how I am feeling to you then the last thing I want is you trying to shift the focus to everyone else. #InvestInYourMentalWealth Fighting anxiety is a constant battle that never seems to end its incredibly exhausting. I think you are just looking for reasons to be upset. From my dad I told my parents I felt shoved aside, so he said that. Anna G. Youre a hypochondriac. It makes me feel like I am more ill than I am. If you need support right now, call the National Suicide Prevention Lifeline at1-800-273-8255or text START to741-741. Copyright © 20072022 Michael L Nichols. 1. When someone you love has anxiety, planning needs to be meticulous, certain situations must be avoided, and since emotional needs can change daily, sometimes plans have to be changed or dropped last minute. Let me make this perfectly plain: being diagnosed with a mental illness is not trendy. Dont ever do this. It may seem, at times, like someone who is depressed is very preoccupied with their own life (or, more specifically, their own thoughts) but that doesn't make them selfish. When the brain is stuck in this cycle, letting go of things, such as worry and other painful emotions can be very difficult. Telling someone to stop overreacting minimizes their experience. "I'm nervous.''. We also use third-party cookies that help us analyze and understand how you use this website. Those who experience anxiety deal with a lot of emotional pressure and mental distress, and it can be difficult for those around them to empathize or understand what theyre going through. Im in a relationship of two years and my partner constantly tells me that they want to support me and my battle with anxiety but also does nothing to educate himself on anxiety and speaks to me as though I am an asshole rather than someone with sometimes crippling anxiety. Anxiety disorders are incapacitating in that you simply cant calm down. No one can relax on command, especially not someone suffering from anxiety. This is far more considerate and less demanding. Im sorry youre stressed. Hi, I'm Juliette. In reality, anxiety is a mental illness - no amount of positive thinking will help during an attack. Liz Greene is a dog loving, makeup obsessing, anxiety ridden realist from Boise, Idaho. Out of these, the cookies that are categorized as necessary are stored on your browser as they are essential for the working of basic functionalities of the website. It eludes to the idea that a person is in complete control of their illness and can just ignore it. People who never went through anxiety disorder will never understand that it feels like when anxiety struck. This site is not intended to provide, and does not constitute, medical, health, ugh. 1. Anxiety is the most common mental illness in the United States. Unfortunately, knowing that their fears are unjustified doesnt stop racing thoughts or the anticipation of hundreds of different worst-case scenarios. Naming the feelings and talking about the sensations helps reduce the power the anxiety has. Its a soul crushing, constant battle to reach a state of something even resembling normalcy.. We wanted to know what harmless comments people with anxiety have heard that actually hurt them, soweasked our mental health communityto share one with us and explain what it feels like to hear it. Its ok for you as the support person to not know how to resolve the anxiety or fix the problem for them. It's the kind of thing that tends to slip out of your mouth when, for some reason, you're feeling emotionally unavailable, or perhaps you've grown tired of hearing the same complaints over and over again. "But you always seem so happy.". This is the quickest way to amp up a loved one's anxiety and ensure that they will never express their feelings to you again. Forcing them to face their fears can make things worse. Assholes dont cry for days because they felt guilty for something their anxiety kept them from doing. I'm always here for you. If you break the social contract and decide to be the full asshole your anxiety-riddled self wants to be, fine. Try saying, Lets check in to see how you are feeling in a few days. This cookie is set by GDPR Cookie Consent plugin. I get the intent behind it but its not helping. Chelsey C. Just breathe, youre fine There is an elephant on my chest and fire. They already know its irrational, and it irritates them just as much as it does you. Being a caregiver of someone with anxiety is exhausting, emotional, and frustrating. Movement can help ease anxiety, as it often makes people freeze in the place where they are. Anxiety and anxiety disorders are increasingly prevalent around the world. Notify me of followup comments via e-mail. If you dont see it immediately, please check your spam or promotions folder. Trying to induce new perspectives with this statement, however, isnt the way to go. However, remember that it is never your responsibility to aid an anxious person, and if you feel out of your depth or emotionally drained, you dont need to push yourself to be there for them. It damages them even more. What made you anxious? It was almost as if Ms. Fagan knew all the things my anxiety regularly whispers to me Your friends hate you. Sometimes they come with a solution via personal anecdote. Here are a few reasons as to why that is the case: Anxiety as a disorder naturally puts its victims on constant high alert. Instead, try the following: A drink only sounds good on paper when youre anxious. "'Stop freaking out, it's not a big deal.'. This is an incredibly cruel and senseless thing to do or say to someone who is anxious. A few month ago, my best friend of 17 years said many of the things you see on this list to me in series of messages. When I read this article, my body reacted as it often does to anxiety inducing events. I dont take medication. Ashlee H. You need to be strong so you dont keep taking those medicines. Rita T. Youre making a mountain out of a molehillPeople used to tell me this all the time, especially in school when I reported bullying. Taylor S. God will make it better. Just pray I probably have 100 more, but these are the ones I hear the most during a down period. Dezei R. I was often told I didnt have enough faith, implying my anxiety was my fault and a punishment. Telling someone to stop overreacting minimizes their experience. If we look at its foundations, anxiety involves being in a constant or near-constant state of stress. Made me feel completely invalid. Ruby C. You were fine a minute ago. legal, financial or other professional advice. We are wired to avoid pain. This cookie is set by GDPR Cookie Consent plugin. I'm inspired every day by the brave vulnerability of our community. Telling somebody with anxiety to calm down is a bit like telling somebody with hay fever to stop sneezing. Funny memes or tik-toks for easy laughs. You dont know what triggers me. Well go and get help then! is my dads answer whenever Im struggling. Tough love. This narrative is incredibly harmful to people dealing with serious anxiety issues. Yeah, Ive had a couple of these things said to me, even by my parents and close friends, but they dont understand what its like to be so anxious about something you shouldnt that you literally feel like you are drowning in fear. "Snap out of it.". Im guilty of using this phrase myself even to fellow anxiety sufferers. If anxiety is a product of a prior trauma, triggers are often implicit. Theyd all be so much happier if you were gone.. Never Say These 20 Phrases to Someone with Anxiety. If theres one thing I can tell you with absolute certainty, its that anyone suffering from chronic anxiety is trying with every fiber of their being to be get better. What youve done is cause them to worry that theyre not a good person because they cant rationalize their anxiety away with gratitude. Other people have it worse than you do.. 6) My [insert person] has anxiety, too and s/he's fine. It makes them feel crazy, and even more out of control than before. If you are in distress and need help, please contact the National Suicide Prevention Lifeline at 1-800-273-8255. The following lists some of the terrible things people sometimes say to those with anxiety, and they're definitely things that shouldn't be said because they are rude AF. Its best to simply let them deal with things in their own way. You should always aspire to be a voice of reason with your loved one dont encourage them to take part in self destructive or potentially harmful behaviors. You dont seem like someone who would have anxiety.. Mind you, in tone that just feels so condescending. Patricia B. It is a deeply unpleasant sensation . It was almost as if Ms. Fagan knew all the things my anxiety regularly whispers to me. What is one to say? Doesnt it seem rude not to ask why someone is feeling the way they are? They may not be able to leave their house because their anxiety has utterly consumed them. Your anxiety is not an excuse to be an asshole. Still doesnt help my issue though. Instead, try doing the following: While lifestyle choices and specific homeopathy treatments may soothe or relieve some people of their anxiety, this isnt necessarily a cure-all. Anxiety, however, is something that comes across as very real to its victims so such a statement only serves to invalidate and minimize their feelings. While a cocktail or two may take the edge off, its a slippery slope those with anxiety disorders should avoid at all costs. Now that you know what to say and what NOT to say to someone with anxiety, I hope you can be a part of someones support system. Here.Now. One I get a lot is just dont worry about it, you dont have to be anxious like I wish I could be as free as you, I didnt choose to be anxious all the time! Again, every person is different. Rhetoric like Ms. Fagans isnt helping anyone it only serves to make those with anxiety disorders even more vulnerable. Consider the following a simple guide to avoiding heartache on both sides.

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