neosocialism polcompball

This page was last edited on 20 June 2022, at 15:12. This approach saw great success in the Belgian Labour Party in 1933-1934, where it was adopted as official policy with the support of the party's right (De Man) and left (Paul-Henri Spaak) wings, though by 1935 enthusiasm had waned. Yugoslavia's success came at the expense of the other ethnic groups, especially the Albanians. This motto adopted at the first congress will serve as the theme for the posters illustrated by the Joseph Bara drum thus displaying the kinship claimed by the "National Popular Rally" (RNP) of the revolutionary Jacobin heritage and the "National Popular Youth" (JNP) has 2,500 members for the entirety of France. In the classical sense, socialism describes worker-owned means of production, heavily supporting worker coops, democratic self-management, and workplace democracy. In May 3th 1945, Marcel Dat along with his wife Hlne Dat fled to Italy to took refuge for three weeks in a chalet near Naturno, Trentin-Haut-Adige but the threat of imminent arrest forced him to flee across the mountain to Merano even he is helped by priests and then he including Hlne Dat & Marcel Dat who is a daughter left for Bolzano but later Milan, Lombardie in which he take on temporarily teaching. It also takes Ideas from Eco-Transhumanism eg. By using our services, you agree to our use of cookies. For instance, Ren Belin and Marcel Dat became members of the Vichy government. Marcel Dat has modelled the political party on the "French Section of the Workers' International" (SFIO) in order to seduce his electorate popular middle class people while the name of the "National Popular Rally" (RNP) as a reference to the "Popular Rally" as the original name of the "Popular Front" and as the central level there are 15 main leaders of the political party since February 2013, 6 come from the (SFIO), 6 from certain Neo-Socialist parties, 1 from the French Communist Party (PCF) but then the "French Popular Party" (PPF) lead by Jacques Doriot & 2 come from the Right-Wing. The invasion of Iraq is still justified, (even if I think it was handled beyond awfully) because Saddam Hussein was a dictator, he killed up to 1/4th of the entire casualties of the Iraq war in only a week with the Al-Anfal campaign, and he was selling oil to China. In October 1941, the "National Popular Rally" (RNP) rejected the "Revolutionary Social Movement" (MSR) lead by Eugne Deloncle after the terrorist attack carried out by Paul Collette and then the (RNP) have reorganized itself by excluding members suspected of being close to the (MSR) until the first months of 1942. Before continuing here, I recommend reading the first article, published on on January 30th: In my first article on the terms neo-socialism and neo-socialist , I have outlined the central, linguistic reason for why those descriptors should be used as umbrella terms to identify the . I truly wish issues such as gay rights, trans rights, racism, sexism, and others would become apolitical. Neo Social Libertarianism mainly combines most aspects of Social Libertarianism with Interventionism and the principle of greater liberty from Neo-Libertarianism. Marx and Engels ideas on philosophy, political economy, sociology and history were influenced primarily by George Wilhelm Friedrich Hegel, classical economists such as Adam Smith and David Ricardo, the earlier utopian socialists, and socialist ideals which arose in revolutionary France. In June 23th 1941, Marcel Dat in his report to foreign minister Joachim Von Ribbentrop that advocated a peace treaty that would prevent the establishment of a Left-Wing government with an opposition against the "Axis Powers" in Europe but Otto Abetz the ambassador to France therefore favoured the "National Popular Rally" (RNP) in accordance with his personal inclinations as a former Social Democrat but also he preferred to work with former Socialists such as Marcel Dat with the collaborators mainly motivated by Pacifism with the idea of unifying Europe, even if it was under domination by Nazi Germany rather than the "French Popular Party" lead by Jacques Doriot for suspected of being too independent because he could end up imposing himself while arousing a national mystique capable of renovate the France in the National Socialist sense in which Berlin does not want. Neo Social Libertarianism is a Libertarian, Culturally Progressive, Semi-Transhumanist, and Interventionist ideology. race is superior, there are people that would rather side with said racial nationalists than some non-existent "SJW" threat,, Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 4.0 International (CC BY-SA 4.0). 2 (Jul., 2001), pp. La Marseillaise (Vichy French Version) Neosocialism is a revisionist tendency of Socialism that seeks to engage in class collaboration with the bourgeois, as opposed to fighting them, in a similar manner to Fascism to bring about a revolution from above. People should choose their own form of governance and there is a word for that. Instead, they advocated a revolution from above which they termed as a constructive revolution. The Party has claimed to be the "largest and most active" National Socialist organization in the United States and is a descendant of the American Nazi Party (and possibly the German American Bund). I believe we should get out of countries such as Pakistan. The "National Popular Rally" (RNP) is in favour of a one party Fascist regime in a unified Socialist Europe while it defends the principle of universal suffrage, public schooling, an secular line & the maintenance of busts of a national personification called Marianne but in town halls and in the writings of Marcel Dat he claims the Republican mixed revolutionary tradition that affirms praises the kinship between Jacobinism & Totalitarianism while he thinks the revolutionary state of the French First Republic in 1793, is singularly close to the totalitarian state but it is not at all a Capitalist or a Liberal state. The examples provided for successful Socialist and Communist societies are Rojava, Catalonia,Yugoslavia, and Chile. Chile under Allende is often pointed out to be the best representation of Socialism and I could not agree more. Dat replaced class struggle with class collaboration and national solidarity, advocated corporatism as a model of social organisation, replaced the notion of socialism with anti-capitalism and supported a technocratic state which would plan the economy and in which parliamentarism would be replaced by political technocracy.[4]. In France, during the first half of the 19th century, socialist philosophers and politicians continued to popularize socialism. By using our services, you agree to our use of cookies. Browse thousands of community created Minecraft Banners on Planet Minecraft! Socialism is always economically left, and culturally neutral however has found itself becoming synonymous with progressivism mostly in the west at the most recent times. By using our services, you agree to our use of cookies. 3: Foreign Intervention is purely motivated by racism: This statement is just blatantly false. I am a globalist. Civil Rights should not even be an issue anymore. Especially in the form of "The Red Flag". Alpino-Temporism English Heritage Thought High Quality Pageism Moderate Conservatism Social Democrat National Atheism NymNism XQcism Thirtyism. Neo Social Libertarianism is a Libertarian, Culturally Progressive, Semi-Transhumanist, and Interventionist ideology. I believe the Iraq war was handled poorly and The US should have not intervened directly in any more countries until it was sure Afghanistan was all wrapped up. All content is shared by the community and free to download. Neosocialism was a political faction that existed in France and Belgium during the 1930s and which included several revisionist tendencies in the French Section of the Workers' International (SFIO). Draw blue upside down Othala rune from the flag on the white square. Neo Social Libertarianism mainly combines most aspects of Social Libertarianism with Interventionism and the principle of greater liberty from Neo . In the classical sense, socialism describes worker-owned means of production, heavily supporting worker coops, democratic self-management, and workplace democracy. Wars these days (at least mostly) are about geopolitical manoeuvering. In the 19th century, Anarchism as a movement arose, and was incorporated into the socialist movement. some people out there that believe their Marcel Dat published in 1930 Perspectives socialistes (Socialist Perspectives), a revisionist work closely influenced by Henri de Man's planism. Conclusion: It's upsetting that the US government is so motivated by money but ultimately a dictator was overthrown. At first the neosocialists remained part of the broader left. Many will say the problem with modern foreign intervention is ultimately boiled down to 3 problems which I will now address. Cookies help us deliver our services. Marcel Dat smiled at the forgery of the Polish people who felt they could victoriously confront the German Army with its armored divisions while he accuses the leaders of France for warmongering that are being manipulated by a Capitalist Britain seeking to defend its economic empire by using this country but then during World War Two (1939-1945) after the Battle of France in 1940, he supported Germany's occupation of Northern France while he took up residence in Vichy France that was lead by Philippe Ptain and then he supported the Armistice of June 22th 1940, requested by Ptain but then the appointment of Pierre Laval as Vice-President of the council. Marcel Dat who was a political ally of Adolf Hitler & Pierre Laval but hated by Philippe Ptain left for Paris to try unify the French collaborating movements of the German occupation of Northern France in order to create a single party which would be the spearhead of a National Socialist revolution modelled on its German or Italian neighbours while he proposed Ptain to form under his patronage a committee for the constitution of the single party in which he himself would be the president but Ptain who did not wish to follow up ask for a report to be drawn up while influenced by his Conservative entourage along with not following up on this totalitarian project and Dat then gradually distanced himself from Vichy France including its policy which considered too cautious or reactionary while he approached to the Nazi Germany. One which we can solve through compassionate forward-thinking Capitalism. Socialism is an ideology used to represent the broad range of ideologies that fall under the umbrella term of "Socialism". In France, this brought them into conflict with the Socialist Party's traditional policy of anti-governmentalism and the neosocialists were expelled from SFIO. I think military foreign intervention is justified when used against an authoritarian regime. Western Imperialism might also be blamed but I would think that rather shows a critical flaw in communist society's lasting power. If we take a look at the world and History as a whole we can see what works at what does not. You may be wondering why I am not an anarchist then. Democracy is the most essential human right as it safeguards other rights. If a terrorist runs a plane into a building you go find the terrorist and make sure that they are not a threat anymore. But much of the conservative western world says that . I admittedly wish that the US had eventually gone into Iraq based on his previous war crimes and not just oil but it is certainly justifiable. You may say "those countries that tried communism/socialism are not Communist/Socialist, they're state capitalist. I don't support declaring war on just any country. I believe the best system to be Semi-Direct Democracy. WW2 could have been ended earlier but instead, every country waited, hoping for a false peace that would not come. In February 2th 1941, Marcel Dat created a political party called the "National Popular Rally" (RNP) but then German authorities imposed a fusion between the (RNP) & the "Revolutionary Social Movement" (MSR) lead by Eugne Deloncle as an inheritor of the "Cagoule" terrorist group but the merger between these two political party does not take place because of the rivalry of the leaders with the divergence of the profiles of the members of the two organizations while the (MSR) retains its de facto autonomy within the (RNP) with its main role is to form the RNP's security service called the "National People's Legion" and in April 1941, the (RNP) occupies the premises of the "International League against Racism and Anti-Semitism" (LICA). Rockwell Neo-Nazism Neo-Fascism White Nationalism Separatism Right-Wing Populism Anti-Semitism Islamophobia American Nationalism Nativism, Islamic Muslims Jewish ZionistsNon Whites "The ZOG". planism, meaning economic planning) and in France by Marcel Dat and Pierre Renaudel (leader of the SFIO's right wing), Ren Belin of the General Confederation of Labour, the Young Turk current of the Radical-Socialist Party (Pierre Mends-France) argued that the unprecedented scale of the global economic crisis, and the sudden success of national-populist parties across Europe, meant that time had run out for socialists to slowly pursue either of the traditional stances of the parliamentary left: gradual, progressive reformism or Marxist-inspired popular revolution. If that is indeed the case then does that not show the failure of communism. The Neosocialism (polcompball) was contributed by Anonymous on Oct 29th. Ogsoc WorkerismSocialism without adjectivesRed Socialism (by Yellow Socialism)Second Camp (in Austria) Soctard, Soycialism (Pejoratively) Umbrella Socialism Revolutionary SocialismAuthleft (by PCM)When the Government Does Stuff (by right-libertarians)When no iPhone Literally Robespierre Economical Deccelerationism, Culturally Variable (in theory) Culturally Left (most) Culturally Right (some) Socialists Syncretic, Collectivism (Most) Egalitarianism Jacobinism Platonism Utopian Socialism, Conservative Socialism Eco-Socialism Left-Wing Nationalism Libertarian Socialism Market Socialism Marxism Mutualism Neosocialism Religious Socialism Social Democracy State Socialism Syndicalism. This page was last edited on 8 November 2022, at 04:57. It truly disgusts me that there are still some people out there that believe their I would hope you would agree that the Axis powers were an evil force in the world that needed to be stopped as soon as possible. For my first example, I point to WW2. The Rojavan government has close connections to the PKK a terrorist group in southern turkey that employs child Labour. But disillusionment in democracy eventually caused many neosocialists to distance themselves from the traditional left and call for more authoritarian government. In November 1942, the "Union de l'Enseignement" was created to bring together the teachers of the "National Popular Rally" (RNP) while the union secretary was Pierre Vaillandet who is a professor at the "cole Normale Suprieure" (ENS) while also a "French Section of the Workers' International" (SFIO) deputy of Vaucluse and also the union was directed by Georges Albertini but turns out to be a failure. Cookies help us deliver our services. 239-265, French Section of the Workers' International, Socialist Party of France Jean Jaurs Union, Federation of the Socialist Workers of France, Union of Clubs for the Renewal of the Left, Federation of the Democratic and Socialist Left,, Articles with unsourced statements from December 2007, Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike License 3.0, This page was last edited on 5 November 2022, at 14:59. Socialism is an ideology used to represent the broad range of ideologies that fall under the umbrella term of "Socialism". Draw everything yourself. French Revolutionary Ideals, Socialism Without Marx & Collaboration. Marcel Dat from the outset intended to give preponderance to his Socialist friends for the programmatic part by creating a series of commissions along wit study committees that brings together the thinking heads of the Left-Wing while welcoming the fact that he could use his extensive links in the academic world as well as in all kinds of technical or intellectual circles and after the departure of the Right-Wing elements of the "Revolutionary Social Movement" (MSR), Ernst Achenbach suggested that Dat make contact with the masses while insist on the socialist orientation of his movement but in fact the standing vommittee, the governing body of the "National Popular Rally" (RNP) included twelve people from the "French Section of the Workers' International" (SFIO), the "Socialist Party of France/Jean Jaurs Union" (PSdF) & the Republican Socialist Union (USR). Marcel Dat was born at Gurigny, France on March 7th 1894 while his father named Joseph Dat was a administrative clerk of the French Navy along with his mother who is named Amlie Ernestine and Dat was raised in a modest environment which shared Republican & Patriotic values but then in 1914, after he made some brilliant studies he joined the "cole Normale Suprieure" (ENS) after having been a student of mile Chartier aka Alain who is a philosopher that was active in the "Radical Party" while wrote an deeply Anti-Militarist book after World War One (1914-1918). Marcel Dat along with relatives joined the "Republican Socialist Union" (USR) but then Dat became a member of the "Vigilance Committee of Anti-Fascist Intellectuals" lead by Franois Walter but in 1936, Dat became the Minister of Air in the French government but he quickly resigned his post over disputes with Prime Minister Albert Sarraut with the increasing threats represented by Nazi Germany even Pacifism is an important part of Dat's commitment and then the (USR) rallied to Prime Minister Lon Blum after the victory of the "Popular Front" lead by Maurice Thorez but then Dat was defeated in the French Parliamentary Elections of 1936. The term "socialism" was first used in a French Utopian Socialist newspaper. Everything collapsed once Tito died and I don't want to live in a society completely hinging on one dictator. 10, No. The National Socialist Movement is a Neo-Nazi organization in the United States and it is a part of the Nationalist Front. I am not a "hawk". We can't stop automation but we can work with and around it. Woo, Minecraft creativity! Marcel Dat joined the "Socialist Party of France/Jean Jaurs Union" (PSdF) lead by Pierre Renaudel that was made out of Neosocialists along with Planists who are rejected by Left-Wing Pivertists & Centrist Blumists while some of it's members followed Dat after had declared at a congress of the "French Section of the Workers' International" (SFIO) that the new slogan of the Socialists should become Order, Authority & Nation with a speech following which Lon Blum had declared to be frightened while also the Neosocialists wanted to reinforce the state against an economic crisis open themselves to the middle classes or participate in Non-Socialist governments and then in 1935, the political party have been merge with the "Republican-Socialist Party" along with the "French Socialist Party" to form the "Socialist Republican Union" lead by Joseph Paul-Boncour. The "League of French Thought" us more or less frowned upon by the small collaborationist world because it is suspected of being a resurgence of the "League of Human Rights" or the "League of Education" and then in February 1943, Ren Chteau was expelled from the "National Popular Rally" (RNP). Dat led his splinter party into the Socialist Republican Union, a merger of various revisionist socialist parties, and participated in the Popular Front coalition of 1936. Socialists Culturally Center Culturally Right Nationalists Fascists Corporatists Syndicalists Syncretic Esoteric (Some), Anti-Capitalism Anti-Communism Anti-Reactionarism Anti-Marxism (Mostly) Anti-Semitism (Mostly) Authoritarian Socialism Babouvism Fascist Syndicalism French Constitutionalism French Fascism French Republicanism Neo-Jacobinism Pan-Europeanism Social Corporatism Totalitarianism Catholic Fascism (Later). Marx and Engels devised a materialist philosophy of history known as historical materialism, and called their form of socialism "scientific socialism" in contrast with utopian socialism. [citation needed], Horn, G. R. "From 'Radical' to 'Realistic': Hendrik De Man and the International Plan Conferences at Pontigny and Geneva, 1934-1937" Contemporary European History. Marcel Dat was a Pro-Zionist who is a member of the "Committee France-Palestine" and also a member of the "Committee for the Defense of the Rights of the Israelites in Central & Eastern Europe". The "National Popular Rally" (RNP) has members that came from the urban middle classes such as employees that are civil servants, teachers, craftsmen, traders & Liberal professions while the political party has few workers especially railway workers and in total the political party has older intellectual members but therefore less activist, than the "French Popular Party" (PPF) & the "Francist Movement" lead by Marcel Bucard. by Pierre-Joseph Proudhon. This is the second piece which outlines the argument for today's use of the term neo-socialism. It prevents the "tyranny of the majority" that comes with Direct Democracy but also the oligarchic corruption that comes with Representative Democracy. If a war crime happens of course I will condemn it. Instead, influenced by Henri de Man's planism, they promoted a "constructive revolution" headed by the state, where a democratic mandate would be sought to develop technocracy and a planned economy.[1]. Maybe communism will ALWAYS devolve into state capitalism. Marxism, which arose from Karl Marx and Friedrich Engels, became the most influential socialist philosophy in history. Vol Vol. In March 11th 1943, Marcel Dat escaped a terrorist attack by the French Resistance while staying with his wife Hlne Dat in his villa at Arbourse but in March 16th 1944, under pressure from Nazi Germany, Dat was appointed as Minister of Labour & National Solidarity of Vichy France with supported a policy of total collaboration with the "Axis Powers" while come into conflict with Pierre Laval who is now prime minister and the activity of the "National Popular Rally" (RNP) is therefore neglected even he tried to make his mark while entrusted Ludovic Zoretti with the project of creating a worker's university. It was founded by User YellingYowie in Los Angeles, California in March of 2021. The "National Popular Rally" (RNP) has some North African Anti-Colonialist Nationalists play the card of collaboration with Nazi Germany that gives them hope for the independence of Algeria in order to weaken France but with this in mind several Algerian Nationalist leaders of the "Algerian People's Party" (PPA) lead by Messali Hadj especially the team that favoured action in France but not in Algeria entered this political party in hoping that it would serve as a cover for their action for example the "North African Committee of the RNP" from May 1941 to 1944 was lead by Secretary General Mohamed el-Maadi who is a member of the "North African Star" but tempted by the "Algerian People's Party" then joined the "Hood" (Osarn) and then in 1943, he was expelled from the (RNP) for plays the German card too much while then he created the "North African Legion" as Pro-German military unit. Throughout history, we have continued to progress even if we had many challenges and "rough spots" we have nonetheless continued to progress civil rights. Ultatimley as long as Authoritarian countries exist, I will not support World Federalism for it could bring disastrous consequences. The needs of the working class are therefore ignored. Leaning Moderates Universal Basic Income is not only feasible but prepares for an increasingly approaching problem of mass unemployment due to automation. 2: Countries don't want to be democracies, they should be able to choose their own form of governance: Countries don't have feelings people do.

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