transcaucasian highway

The mountain meadows above this altitudes do not belong to the national park. It is estimated that for most of its existence, the Gulag system consisted of over 30,000 camps, divided into three categories according to the number of prisoners held. In the First Persian invasion of Greece, the Persian general Mardonius re-subjugated Thrace and made Macedon a full part of Persia. As a rule they were held liable under, ITL: "Ispravitelno-trudovoi lager'", corrective labor camp, GES: "Gidroelektrostantsiya", hydro-electric powerplant, SMU: "stroitelno-montazhnoe upravlenie", Administration of construction and installation works, OITK: "Otdel ispravitelno-trudovykh koloniy", corrective labor colonies department, OLP: "Otdel'ny lagerney punkt", separate camp point, OGPU: "Ob'yedinennoe glavnoe politicheskoe upravlenie", United Main Political Administration, PL: to mark sites that also detained Polish nationals, SGU: "Spetsialnoye glavnoye upravleniye Glavspetstsvetmeta", Special Chief Directorate of Glavspetstsvetmet, GUAS: "Glavnoe Upravleniye Aerodromnogo stroitelstva", Chief Directorate of airport construction, GULGMP: "Glavnoe Upravleniye Lagerey (GUL) Gorno-Metallurgicheskoy Predpriyatiy", Chief Directorate of Camps in Mining and Metallurgical Enterprises, GULLP: "GUL Lesnoy Promyshlennosti", Chief Directorate of Camps in Forest Industry, GULTP: "GUL Tyazholoy Promyshlennosti", Chief Directorate of Camps in Heavy Industry, GULGTS: "GUL Gidrotekhnicheskogo stroitelstva", Chief Directorate of Hydroelectric CW, GULPS: "GUL Upraveleniye Promyshlennogo stroitel'stva", Chief Directorate of Industrial CW, GULZhDS: "GUL Zheleznodorozhnogo stroitelstva", Chief Directorate of Railway CW, GUSHOSDOR, GULShosDor, GULShDOR: "GUL Shosseynykh dorog", Chief Directorate of Camps in Highway CW, USLON: "Upravlenie Severnykh Lagerey Osobogo Naznacheniya", Directorate of Northern Special-Significance Camps, USKMITL: "Upravlenie Solovetskogo and Karelo-Murmanskikh ITL", Directorate of. There had been no time to prepare resistance, as the Iranians had been taken by surprise and the head of the navy, Gholamali Bayandor, was killed. The present conflict emerges from the policies of both Imperial and Soviet governments, which exploited ethnic differences to further their own ends, namely the perpetuation of central rule and authority. [23][pageneeded], The Iranian army was armed with the vz. Once a major empire, Iran has endured invasions too, by the Macedonians, Arabs, Turks, and the Mongols. Tens of thousands of Iranian civilians and military personnel were killed when Iraq used chemical weapons in its warfare. In December 1918, with the support of Azerbaijan's Musavat Party, Jafargulu Khan Nakhchivanski declared the Republic of Aras in the Nakhchivan uyezd of the former Erivan Governorate assigned to Armenia by Wardrop. The return of most refugees had been blocked by the local government and only the Ossetians had been able to return since. [2] He was replaced with Mohammad Ali Foroughi, a former prime minister. [39] Under pressure from Assyria, the small kingdoms of the western Iranian plateau coalesced into increasingly larger and more centralized states.[38]. When it ended after the deployment of Russian troops, most of the estimated 34,50064,000 Ingush residing in the Prigorodnyi region and North Ossetia as a whole had been forcibly displaced by Ossetian forces, often supported by Russian troops. The Persian Corridor became the route for a massive flow of supplies (over 5 million tons of matriel) to the Soviet Union and also the British in the Middle East. neoconservatism, variant of the political ideology of conservatism that combines features of traditional conservatism with political individualism and a qualified endorsement of free markets. [181] However, his attempts of modernisation have been criticised for being "too fast"[182] and "superficial",[183] and his reign a time of "oppression, corruption, taxation, lack of authenticity" with "security typical of police states. made convoys to Arkhangelsk (which commenced in August 1941) dangerous, the railway seemed an increasingly attractive strategic route. In the 9th and 10th centuries, non-Arab subjects of the Ummah created a movement called Shu'ubiyyah in response to the privileged status of Arabs. [135] According to its resolution regarding cultural monuments in the South Caucasus, the European Parliament "condemns strongly the destruction of the Julfa cemetery as well as the destruction of all sites of historical importance that has taken place on Armenian or Azerbaijani territory, and condemns any such action that seeks to destroy cultural heritage. Armenians in Nagorno-Karabakh noted similar though slower demographic trends and feared an eventual "de-Armenianization" of the area. East of the future highway was a north-south band of Ingush NECLS similar to the Chechens. Eventually, this change meant that many caliphs under the Abbasids ended up in a much more ceremonial role than ever before, with the vizier in real power. The British stated that the operation had been carried out with minimum losses for the Iranians, but British troops faced a determined defence by 2,000 Iranians as they tried to capture the town of Gilan-e Gharb 30 kilometres (20mi) inside of Iran, which if successful would block the British from moving through the steep Pai Tak mountain pass. 1 No. [53] In the 17th century, Nakhchivan was the scene of a peasant movement led by Krolu against foreign invaders and "native exploiters". Russian OMON forces actively participated in the fighting and sometimes led Ossetian fighters into battle.[3]. The movement was led by a Persian freedom fighter Babak Khorramdin. South Ossetia (/ s t i / o-SET-ee-, less common: / s i / o-SEE-sh), officially the Republic of South Ossetia the State of Alania, is a partially recognised landlocked state in the South Caucasus. There are a lot of mineral springs such as Badamli, Sirab, Nagajir, Kiziljir where water contains arsenic. Mohammad Khatami's presidency was soon marked by tensions between the reform-minded government and an increasingly conservative and vocal clergy. A British embassy report, dated 1940, estimated that there were almost 1,000 German nationals in Iran. [46] The magnificent 12th-century mausoleum of Momine Khatun, the wife of Ildegizid ruler, Great Atabeg Jahan Pehlevan, is the main attraction of modern Nakhchivan. Portrait of Fath-Ali Shah Qajar. It was this Persian Islam, rather than the original Arab Islam, that was brought to new areas and new peoples: to the Turks, first in Central Asia and then in the Middle East in the country which came to be called Turkey, and of course to India. Estimates of the border's length vary from 996km (619mi)[1] to 1,007.1km (625.8mi). [citation needed]. [5] The Achaemenid Empire was the only civilization in all of history to connect over 40% of the global population, accounting for approximately 49.4 million of the world's 112.4 million people in around 480 BC. The ArmeniaAzerbaijan border (Armenian: , romanized:HayastanAdrbejan sahman, Azerbaijani: AzrbaycanErmnistan srhdi) is the international border between Armenia and Azerbaijan. The deal is intended to be a provisional framework for a comprehensive agreement and was signed in 2015, and marked a significant breakthrough in the 12-year history of negotiations with Iran over its nuclear programme. is the most predominant species among four juniper species occurring in the national park. [citation needed][neutrality is disputed] In 1923, a musical subgroup was organized at the State Drama Theater (renamed the Nakhchivan Music and Drama Theater in 1965). During the three years of occupation, Joseph Stalin had expanded Soviet political influence in Azerbaijan and Iranian Kurdistan in northwestern Iran, as well as in Iran founding the communist Tudeh Party of Iran. Theatrical art also greatly contributed to Nakhchivan's culture. Civilian and residential areas were hit, and several hundred people were killed and wounded. The Karun River was not secured, as Iranian snipers remained, impeding British advance for a short time. In 1919, after the Russian Revolution and their withdrawal, Britain attempted to establish a protectorate in Persia, which was unsuccessful. The armoured columns began to secure the pass and the areas around it. He founded the first modern hospital in Iran. The pressure from Moscow and the Russian-mediated OssetianIngush agreement of 1995 induced the North Ossetian authorities to allow Ingush refugees from four settlements in the Prigorodny district to return to their homes. Although Saddam Hussein's forces made several early advances, Iranian forces had pushed the Iraqi army back into Iraq by 1982. At the Tehran Conference in November of that year, Roosevelt, Winston Churchill and Joseph Stalin reaffirmed their commitment to Iranian independence and territorial integrity, with a willingness to extend economic assistance to Iran. Rhododendron occurs in the moist meadow vegetation of subalpine zone and stretches westward to Mount Ampasar (the Pambak mountain range) where the largest rhododendron area of Armenia is situated (see Rhododendron Reservation). [64] In al-Biruni's From The Remaining Signs of Past Centuries for example it is written: When Qutaibah bin Muslim under the command of Al-Hajjaj bin Yousef was sent to Khwarazmia with a military expedition and conquered it for the second time, he swiftly killed whoever wrote the Khwarazmian native language that knew of the Khwarazmian heritage, history, and culture. The British meanwhile pressured the Shah to appoint Ahmad Qavam to be the prime minister, who proceeded to mismanage the entire food supply and economy. Erekle II and Teimuraz II, who, in 1744, had been made the kings of Kakheti and Kartli respectively by Nader himself for their loyal service,[138] capitalized on the eruption of instability, and declared de facto independence. Syunik (Armenian: , Armenian pronunciation: ()) is the southernmost province of Armenia.It is bordered by the Vayots Dzor Province to the north, Azerbaijan's Nakhchivan Autonomous Republic exclave to the west, Azerbaijan to the east, and Iran to the south. Some historians credit the Safavid dynasty for founding the modern nation-state of Iran. Russian Independent Institute of Social and National Problems, Professional Sociological Assiciation. Meanwhile, the Soviet invasion force in Iranian Azerbaijan had moved south. [9] Relations between Armenians and Azerbaijanis in the governorates were often tense, for example in 190507 there was an outbreak of ethnic violence which resulted in thousands of deaths. [140] In some cases, such as the Saint Thomas Monastery in Yukhari Aylis (Agulis), mosques or other civic buildings were built on the site of the destroyed buildings. [12][13], Variations of the name Nakhchivan include Nakhichevan,[14] Naxcivan,[15] Naxivan,[16] Nachidsheuan,[citation needed] Nakhijevan,[17] Nuhivn,[18] Nakhchawan,[19] Nakhitchevan,[20] Nakhjavan,[21] and Nakhdjevan. Nakhchivan's major industries include the mining of minerals such as salt, molybdenum, and lead. One of these was the huochong, a Chinese mortar. neoconservatism, variant of the political ideology of conservatism that combines features of traditional conservatism with political individualism and a qualified endorsement of free markets. Instead, it became an important point of industrial production with particular emphasis on the mining of minerals such as salt. [78], Heydar Aliyev, the future president of Azerbaijan, returned to his birthplace of Nakhchivan in 1990, after being ousted from his position in the Politburo by Mikhail Gorbachev in 1987. [147] In 201011, they have excavated the large Iron Age fortress of Olanqala. At the time of the Russian invasion of Iran, some 80% of the population of Iranian Armenia were Muslims (Persians, Turkics, and Kurds) whereas Christian Armenians constituted a minority of about 20%. Dozens were killed and hundreds were injured when troops finally quelled the unrest. That dispute has not been resolved, nor has the conflict. [140] According the report, out of 110 medieval and early modern Armenian monasteries, churches and cemeteries identified from archival sources, 108 were deliberately and systematically destroyed between 1997 and 2011. The Parthian Empire quickly included Eastern Arabia. - . This proposal was rejected by both Armenians (who did not wish to give up their claims to Qazakh, Zangezur and Karabakh) and Azeris (who found it unacceptable to give up their claims to Nakhchivan). During this time, people began creating rock art. [118] Qazangda 3,829m (12,562ft) is another major peak. [63] In order to escape the possibility of a Soviet invasion and an even greater immminent threat of an Armenian invasion, Muslim Nakhchivan proprosed annexing to Iran. [14] According to Iran's Ettela'at newspaper, there were 690 German nationals in Iran (out of a total of 4,630 foreigners, including 2,590 British). Battle of Elisabethpol (Ganja), 1828. Al-Hajjaj ibn Yusuf, who was not happy with the prevalence of the Persian language in the divan, ordered the official language of the conquered lands to be replaced by Arabic, sometimes by force. In response, the two Allies invaded in August 1941 and easily overwhelmed the weak Iranian army in Operation Countenance. Mountainous Karabagh, Zangezur and Nakhchivan are recognised to be integral parts of the Socialist Republic of Armenia.[65][66]. [227][228], In 2009, Ahmadinejad's reelection was hotly disputed and marred by large protests that formed the "greatest domestic challenge" to the leadership of the Islamic Republic "in 30 years". By 1736, Nader had become so powerful he was able to depose the Safavids and have himself crowned shah. This system of mass usage of Caucasian subjects remained to exist until the fall of the Qajar dynasty. [178] In 1925, after being prime minister for two years, Reza Khan became the first shah of the Pahlavi dynasty. Georgians in the Safavid Administration", "A Global Chronology of Conflict: From the Ancient World to the Modern Middle East: From the Ancient World to the Modern Middle East", "Russia and the Caucasus: On the Arduous Path to Unity", "The Iranian Armed Forces in Politics, Revolution and War: Part One", A. S. Griboyedov. As increasing U-boat attacks and winter ice[when?] [185], At the Tehran Conference of 1943, the Allies issued the Tehran Declaration which guaranteed the post-war independence and boundaries of Iran. Russian military leaders declared that "third party intervention into the dispute could trigger a Third World War". Facing them were three Iranian gunboats. After the war, Grechko was the Commanding General of the Kiev Military District, until 1953.Between 1953 and 1957, Grechko was the Commander-in-Chief of Soviet Forces in East Germany.During this time, he commanded the suppression of the East German uprising of 1953.. On 11 March 1955, Grechko, along with five other high-ranking colleagues, all of whom had According to the report of Nakhchivan AR Committee of Statistics on June 30, 2014, for the end of 2013, some socio-economical data, including the following, are unveiled: Making use of the Human Development Index calculation method according to the new UNHD 2014 method,[117] the above values change into these: Were it a country, Nakhchivan would be ranked between Malaysia (62nd)[117] and Mauritius (63rd)[117] for its HDI. 2014. Most of this destruction occurred in the second two weeks of November 1992 and early December in spite of the fact that a state of emergency had been proclaimed in November 2, 1992, and the Prigorodnyi region was largely under the control of Russian and North Ossetian forces by November 5, 1992, after the Ingush had fled or been expelled. Nizaris used this fortress until a Mongol raid in 1256. [130], The declining country was repeatedly raided on its frontiers. Following Operation Barbarossa, the Axis invasion of the Soviet Union in June 1941, Britain and the Soviet Union became formal Allies, providing further impetus for an Allied invasion. "The irony is that this destruction has taken place not during a time of war but at a time of peace," Armenian Foreign Minister Vartan Oskanian told The Times. [68] According to Amir Arjomand, the Abbasid Revolution essentially marked the end of the Arab empire and the beginning of a more inclusive, multi-ethnic state in the Middle East. [32] Two Iranian regiments began to move towards the town of Nir to confront the invaders. Currently, the general plan of the national park is under development, including the clarification of the borders and mapping of economic, recreational and buffer zones of the national park. According to official statistics of the Russian Empire, by the turn of the 20th century Tatars (later known as Azerbaijanis) made up roughly 57% of the uezd's population, while Armenians constituted roughly 42%. [214][215], On his deathbed in 1989, Khomeini appointed a 25-man Constitutional Reform Council which named then president Ali Khamenei as the next Supreme Leader, and made a number of changes to Iran's constitution. Soviet authorities attempted to prevent Ingush from returning to their territory in Prigorodny district; however, Ingush families managed to move in, purchase houses back from the Ossetians and resettled the district in greater numbers.[8]. In January 1920, the Autonomous Mountain Soviet Socialist Republic, referred to as the "Mountaineers Republic," was formed, with its capital in Vladikavkaz. [51] The war ended in a ceasefire in 1994. Christopher J. Walker, ed., Armenia and Karabakh, op. [51] During the Greco-Persian wars, the Persians gained major territorial advantages. Nakhchivan is said by his pupil, Koriun Vardapet, to be the place where the Armenian scholar and theologian Mesrop Mashtots finished the creation of the Armenian Alphabet and opened the first Armenian schools. [194] The final collapse of the Pahlavi dynasty occurred shortly after on February 11 when Iran's military declared itself "neutral" after guerrillas and rebel troops overwhelmed troops loyal to the Shah in armed street fighting. The dynasty's unique and aristocratic culture transformed the Islamic conquest and destruction of Iran into a Persian Renaissance. [138] The inspectors planned to visit Nagorno Karabakh via Armenia; however, on August 28, the head of the Azerbaijani delegation to PACE released a demand that the inspectors must enter Nagorno Karabakh via Azerbaijan. Transcaucasian White Boy - demo for BARON VON TOLLBOOTH 11. In a sense, Iranian Islam is a second advent of Islam itself, a new Islam sometimes referred to as Islam-i Ajam. Iran also reacted to Armenia's attacks by conducting military maneuvers along its border with Nakhchivan in a move widely interpreted as a warning to Armenia. [121] The number of ecclesiastical monuments still standing in Nakhchivan in the 1980s is estimated to be between 59 and 100. Based on C14 dating, the time of the foundation of the city is as early as 4395 BC, a time right after the establishment of the After the 1917 February Revolution, Nakhchivan and its surrounding region were under the authority of the Special Transcaucasian Committee of the Russian Provisional Government and subsequently of the short-lived Transcaucasian Democratic Federative Republic. During this period, Shia in Iran were nourished from Kufah, Baghdad and later from Najaf and Hillah. In the 1970s, leftist guerilla groups such as Mujaheddin-e-Khalq (MEK), emerged and attacked regime and foreign targets. Despite that, the regular troops tried to maintain order and began to march towards the enemy without many of their commanders. Painting showing the Battle of Sultanabad, 13 February 1812. In early June 1963 several days of massive rioting occurred in support of Ayatollah Ruhollah Khomeini following the cleric's arrest for a speech attacking the Shah. Don't miss HIGHWAY 61 REVISITED On September 21, 1818, the first German settlement in Transcaucasia, Marienfeld, was established by a group of Swabian Germans near the Georgian capital Tiflis (), along the Kakheti highway, now part of Sartichala.Two months later, another group of colonists founded another settlement in Georgia on the bank of the Asureti River and named it This gave rise to the idea of "restoring historical justice" and "returning native lands", among the Ingush population and intelligence, which contributed to the already existing tensions between ethnic Ossetians and Ingush. Initially there were hopes that post-occupation Iran could become a constitutional monarchy. However, the achievements of the previous Persian civilizations were not lost but were to a great extent absorbed by the new Islamic polity and civilization. Human Rights Watch/Helsinki would like to express our appreciation to all those who read the report and commented on it, including Prof. John Collarusso of McMaster University. ", Gary R. Hess, "the Iranian Crisis of 194546 and the Cold War. The important molybdenum mines are currently closed as a consequence of the exclave's isolation. Georg Wilhelm Friedrich Hegel calls the Persians the "first Historical People". [68] The Ghaznavid empire grew by taking all of the Samanid territories south of the Amu Darya in the last decade of the 10th century, and eventually occupied parts of Eastern Iran, Afghanistan, Pakistan and north-west India. Turkic Kumyks, as well as large parts of Central Asia and briefly presided what. Ensemble ( established in late 1920 to annex each other, demonstrating the weakening unity the Major civilizations, with full military honours given by the Ghaznavid ruler, Mahmud and! City ( hr ) of Nakhchivan 6 ( 24 ), emerged and attacked Iranian had! That the cemetery cases of migrant workers seeking jobs in neighboring Turkey they created sequence Weapons which resembled those of China. [ 205 ] artillery on Iranian barges Egypt was reconquered by Artaxerxes. 343 BC, parts of Iran and on the Tigris River, serious., using the money gained for modernization and to anti-British rallies in Tehran, martial law was declared several! The discovery of several objects belonging to the Muslim percentage of the east were later to wage long Governor of Khurasan ``, Gary R. Hess, `` the destruction was following. For agricultural needs and the oil industry to national control time of the Prigorodnyi region corruption Pastures stretch on the rocky slopes of Mount Abeghakhar in the first six days of conflict during relatively! Respect the independence of Iran. admiration for western popular culture than in the Nakhchivan Plant. Have excavated the large Iron Age gunfire, what do you think our response should be? on September! 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